Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Sports Betting Professor

I Make Big-Time $$$ Every Week Betting On Sports. In Less Time Than It Takes To Have A Beer And A Slice Of Pizza, You, The Average Guy Can Learn The Secrets Of My Sports Betting System And Propel Yourself To Unthinkable Winnings For Life!"
All because Sport Betting processor.
(No Sports Knowledge Or Betting Experience Needed!)

You Can't Lose!

If My Picks Don't Win, you Don't Owe Me Another Dime!
Dear Friend,
My name is Rich Allen and for my entire adult life I have been betting on sports and Losing. I would bet my with my gut, which usually meant betting on my favorite team. I would win a few, but just as fast, I would lose it right back. You know the feeling. Year after year, I would lose money like crazy and I would spend the rest of the year living like a peasant making up for my gambling losses. It was hell!!!

Then It Happened!

5 Years Ago I met a Russian PhD who taught statistics at a local university. He told me he could predict winners at least 90% of the time. This guy had never even watched an NFL game.
So the next week we meet for coffee. He hands me a sheet of paper with a list of 9 teams. These teams, he told me, would be the winning bets on the weekend. Then he handed me another sheet of 5 teams. This list was the teams to avoid betting on no matter what. I hate to admit it but 5 of the teams I planned to bet on were on the "Do Not Bet" list of my Russian PhD friend. I thought, "This guy has no clue," and my ego wasn't going to let some egghead tell me how to bet. I probably don't have to tell you that 4 of my 5 picks lost that weekend. And 8 of his 9 picks won.
He had my attention...

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